Acne prone and skin care tips

skin care

Acne prone skin is usually very sensitive and has to be dealt with great care. Acne can lead to major problems on your skin so it is important to get rid of the acne as soon as possible. Eugenix skin and hair sciences have been able to cure out the acne on the facial skin of their clients and they understand that it is important to take proper care of your skin and convert it into a glowing and healthier skin. A good Dermatologist in South Delhi would help you with some good tips.

Here are a few tips to take care of your acne prone skin.

  1. Cleanse properly- Cleansing the oily skin can be a great cure for your acne but cleansing it right is important. Try using a face wash that would balance your face pH and would gently cleanse and moisturize your face. Don’t use harsh cleansers as they can rip out your skin. You can opt for a good pimple treatment in South Delhi.
  2. Avoid Over-Drying of the skin- The best way to avoid over drying of the skin is to keep it moisturized throughout. Avoid over moisturisation of your skin as it may lead to an increase in the acne. Avoid alcohol-based astringents and moisturize immediately after cleaning your face as your skin will be more open to absorption.
  3. Use salycic acid for spot treatment– Apply salycic acid on your blemishes as it will heal them up quickly. This helps to dry out the zit and speed up the process.
  4. Eat properly- Eating oily foods can be more harmful for your skin as it can increase the acne and cause more irritation. It is important to have a balanced diet and make wiser choices for your food. Proteins will make your skin look a little better.
  5. Water is important- Drinking lots of water and keeping your body hydrated is very important for keeping skin less oily. Acne prone skins are very sensitive and water is always a miracle worker for a healthier skin as it removes all the impurities and bacteria from the skin that leads to more pimples so drink more water and reduce your acne.
  6. Removing make up is essential– Initially it is important that you should choose the right type of make up for your acne prone skin. It can help you give the best results of makeup and also be safe for you.

Eugenix skin and hair sciences suggest that cleansing your face is the best remedy.

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